A Life Centered In Christ | Ps.23 | "Like A Child At Home”
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Like A Child At Home
The Posture of Faith
Straighten Up
The Sin of Worry (Beware)
Next Week, We Will discover the Names of God hidden in Psalm 23
God’s special relationships to his people are expressed in the many divine names and titles recorded in the OT. The LORD (Jehovah) is the predominant divine name used in the book of Psalms. An instructive study can be made of the combination of the name Jehovah or LORD with a characteristic of God (see chart at Ex. 3:14).
Christ Shepherd: 3264–3267
LORD-rohi means “The LORD is my shepherd” and this example in Ps. 23 is the most outstanding one in Scripture. This title probably has brought more comfort to people’s hearts than any other. It is in the name of the LORD-rohi that this relationship finds its highest and tenderest expression, for the LORD is the Shepherd of his people. No other name of the LORD has the tender intimate touch of this one name.
Some scholars recognize seven titles of the LORD, in principle, in the twenty-third Psalm. These titles are outlined in the table below.
Chart: Names of God in Psalm 23
“Lord our provider”
Ps. 23:5
“Lord our healer”
Ps. 23:5
“Lord our sanctifier”
Ps. 23:6
“Lord our peace”
Ps. 23:6
“Lord our righteousness”
Ps. 23:3
“Lord our shepherd”
Ps. 23:1
“the Lord is there”
Ps. 23:4
Names of God: 3633
Jehovah Names: 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872